• What is a Japanese fish knife called?

  • JUNE 7, 2023

  • Embrace the precision of Yanagiba, Japan's revered fish knife, as KIREAJI guides you through its historical significance and expert use in seafood preparation.

  • Introduction: The Art of Japanese Seafood Preparation

  • Japan's culinary tradition is renowned for its exquisite seafood dishes, where the essence of fresh fish is celebrated. Central to this culinary art is a specialized tool designed for precision handling of seafood—the Japanese fish knife.

  • The Essence of the Yanagiba

  • Understanding the Name:
    In the realm of seafood preparation, the Japanese fish knife is known as the "Yanagiba," which means "willow blade" or "willow leaf blade." This name reflects the knife's elongated, slender design, reminiscent of the graceful willow leaf, crafted specifically for the fine slicing required in sashimi and sushi making.

  • Features and Functionality:

    • Blade Shape: The Yanagiba boasts a long, single-edged blade with a concave back and a sharp tip, designed for seamless slicing that preserves the integrity of the fish.
    • Blade Length: Available in lengths from 24 to 30 centimeters, the Yanagiba's size can be chosen based on the fish size and the chef's needs.
    • Cutting Technique: Employed with a pulling motion, the Yanagiba ensures uniform, delicate slices, crucial for maintaining the fish's texture and flavor.
  • Caring for Your Yanagiba

  • To maintain the Yanagiba's excellence, adhere to these care practices:

    • Hand Washing:
      Clean your Yanagiba by hand with warm, soapy water, avoiding harsh scrubbing that could damage the blade. Dry thoroughly after washing.
    • Storage:
      Protect the blade by storing it in a knife sheath or block, away from other utensils that could cause damage.
    • Honing and Sharpening:
      Keep the edge sharp with regular honing and seek professional sharpening when necessary to preserve the blade's precision.
  • Conclusion: Mastering Seafood Preparation with the Yanagiba

  • The Yanagiba is not just a knife; it's an extension of the chef's skill in the art of Japanese seafood cuisine. Understanding its design, functionality, and care will enhance your culinary experience, allowing you to savor and share the sublime beauty of Japanese seafood dishes.



The KIREAJI Yanagiba collection page highlights the Yanagiba knife, renowned for its long, thin blade designed for precise seafood slicing, particularly sashimi. Originating after traditional Deba and Usuba knives, its design ensures minimal damage to fish cells, preserving freshness and flavor.


Yanagiba (Sakimaru)

The KIREAJI page dedicated to Yanagiba (Sakimaru) knives introduces this style as increasingly popular, especially for sashimi preparation in the Kanto region. The design, reminiscent of a Japanese sword, adds an aesthetic appeal, especially in visible settings like counters, captivating customer attention.

Yanagiba (Sakimaru)

Yanagiba (Kiristuke)

The KIREAJI Yanagiba (Kiritsuke) collection showcases knives that blend Kiritsuke and Yanagiba styles, known for their multi-use functionality in Japanese cuisine. These knives have a distinct, sharp edge and a broader, thicker blade, ensuring precise cuts, especially for sashimi.

Yanagiba (Kiristuke)

Blog Author: Toru

-Professional background-
・Graduated from Tokyo Sushi Academy
・Sushi lesson instructor at Tsukiji Tokyo
・Making sushi at RC Show, one of Canada's largest Toronto food shows

Traditional Japanese knives, like those from Sakai City, are globally prized for their sharpness and elegance. Yet, Sakai's dwindling artisans pose a challenge to preserving this craft. To combat this, I'm dedicated to spreading the brilliance of Japanese knives worldwide. My dream is to sustain Sakai's legacy while meeting global demand.

  • japanese_knife_made_in_Sakai

    1. High-quality Japanese Knive

    We offer knives crafted by craftsmen from Sakai City.

  • Honbazuke

    2. Genuine Sharpness

    To ensure you experience sharpness, we provide a free Honbazuke by our skilled craftsmen.

  • 3. Lifetime Knife Use

    Every knife comes with a free Saya(Sheath) for durability. We also provide paid after-sales services with Sakai City Japanese knife workshop.