• One of KIREAJI's four core principles is "Preserve Culture, For the Future." This principle stems from our desire to pass on the traditional and excellent craftsmanship to future generations.

  • To achieve this, we ensure that our craftsmen are paid fair compensation for their skills, aiming to address the chronic shortage of successors in the industry.

  • Japanese_Knife_Manufacturing_Process
  • With the changing times, more factories have been gradually closing down, and Japan as a whole has been plagued by a shortage of successors. If this continues, there is a risk that Japan's traditional techniques, which are highly valued worldwide, could disappear.

  • Therefore, we promise to sell our products at fair prices without offering discounts. We will also adjust our prices as necessary to account for currency fluctuations to ensure that we can continue to pay our craftsmen fairly.

  • To prevent our loyal customers from feeling disappointed upon seeing a lower price after their purchase, we will not reduce our product prices in the future. Please understand that the current price is the minimum price.

  • Furthermore, since the current price is the lowest selling price and given the increasing value of Sakai City knives and the current shortage of steel materials, we may be forced to raise our prices depending on market conditions. We kindly ask for your understanding regarding the potential for future price increases.

  • We will continue to strive to deliver the highest quality Japanese knives to our customers. We appreciate your understanding and support.

Regarding currency fluctuations:

Currently, we calculate our sales prices based on an exchange rate of 110 yen per Canadian dollar. Should the yen strengthen in the future, we kindly ask for your understanding that this exchange rate may be adjusted to reflect any changes in the market.
At KIREAJI, we do not set our prices based on anticipated foreign exchange gains. Instead, we aim to create a situation where all stakeholders, including our customers, craftsmen, and Shiroyama Knife Workshop, benefit equally. This commitment to fairness is central to our business model, ensuring that everyone involved can enjoy a win-win relationship.

Thank you again for your trust and understanding as we continue to provide you with products of exceptional quality.