The Importance of Sharpening Knives

With each cut, the blade of any tool encounters resistance and wears down. If left unchecked, the edge will chip, dull, or become unusable. The purpose of sharpening tools is to restore their sharpness and return them to their original condition. This is especially important for knives because their sharpness has a significant impact on the taste, texture and quality of food. Professional chefs understand this impact. In fact, studies have used sensors to measure the taste of tomato extracts cut with both sharp and dull knives. The results showed that extracts from tomatoes cut with dull knives had more than twice the bitterness and astringency of those cut with sharp knives, with a slight increase in saltiness and a decrease in acidity. You may also have noticed differences in moisture release and shape integrity when cutting the same food with a dull knife versus a sharp knife. Understanding how this affects flavor and texture underscores the importance of sharpening knives to maintain their cutting edge.