A type of kitchen knife that is made by forging a single piece of metal, as opposed to a laminated knife, which is made by layering multiple pieces of metal. During the firing process, the thickness of the steel is varied and the heat is applied in different ways, resulting in the creation of hard and soft parts within a single piece of steel. Using such techniques, Hon-yaki knives are made from a single piece of steel. Compared to matching knives, Honyaki knives are less prone to distortion even after long-term use, and they are highly popular partly because they are made using the same manufacturing process as Japanese swords.
<Honyaki, Awase>

<Honyaki, Awase>

- When looking at the materials used in kitchen knives, there are two types of knives: “Honyaki" or “All steel" knives, both of which are made from a single steel material in their construction. There is also “Awase" knives, which are made by combining two different materials such as steel and soft iron.
- Structure of Japanese Knife
Among Japanese knives such as Yanagi and Deba knives, the most widely used type of knife is a laminated kitchen knife.
The combined knives use hard steel for the blade, and soft iron for the other parts of the knife.
Compared to knives made of a single piece of steel, these knives are stronger, harder to break, and easier to sharpen than those made of a single piece of steel. It is also called "Kasumi" (haze sharpening) because the soft iron portion appears hazy. On the other hand, Japanese knives made from a single piece of steel are called “Honyaki”. Honyaki is a high-end product that takes a lot of time and effort to produce. It is hard and does not warp or distort even if used for a long time.
Related websites
Honyaki Knives: The Zenith of Japanese Craftsmanship | KIREAJI